Can You Own 100% of Your Business in Dubai? | FlyingColour
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Can You Own 100% of Your Business in Dubai?


Dubai, the jewel of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has long been a magnet for entrepreneurs and investors from around the world. Its strategic location, pro-business policies, world-class infrastructure, and dynamic economy have made it a thriving hub for businesses of all sizes and industries. One of the key factors that make Dubai so attractive is its progressive approach to foreign ownership. In this blog, we’ll explore whether you can own 100% of your business in Dubai and the various avenues available to aspiring entrepreneurs.

Understanding Ownership Laws in Dubai

Traditionally, foreign ownership restrictions have been a significant hurdle for entrepreneurs looking to establish a business in the UAE. However, Dubai has been at the forefront of reforming these regulations to encourage foreign investment. In 2020, the UAE introduced a landmark decision known as the UAE Commercial Companies Law, allowing foreigners to have 100% ownership of onshore companies in specific sectors, breaking free from the previous requirement of a local Emirati partner owning at least 51% of the business.

Here’s a breakdown of the key ownership options for businesses in Dubai:

1. Free Zones:

Dubai offers numerous free zones, each specializing in specific industries like technology, media, finance, and logistics. Businesses established in these zones typically allow 100% foreign ownership. Some popular free zones include Dubai Internet City, Dubai Media City, and Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC).

2. Mainland Companies:

In certain sectors, like retail and professional services, Dubai now allows foreigners to own 100% of mainland companies, thanks to the UAE Commercial Companies Law mentioned earlier. This is a significant step forward in creating a more investor-friendly environment.

3. Joint Ventures:

In some cases, if you are operating outside a free zone and your business activity falls under a restricted sector, you might still need to partner with a UAE national. This partnership can take various forms, such as a joint venture or a service agent agreement. However, the details can vary, so it’s essential to seek legal advice to understand the specific requirements in your industry.

Benefits of 100% Ownership

Owning 100% of your business in Dubai comes with several advantages:

  1. Full Control: When you have full ownership, you retain complete control over your company’s operations, strategy, and decision-making.
  2. Profit Retention: You’re entitled to keep all the profits generated by your business, without sharing them with a local partner.
  3. Flexibility: You have the flexibility to choose your company’s location, which can be a free zone or the mainland, depending on your business needs.
  4. Global Expansion: Dubai’s strategic location and excellent connectivity make it an ideal base for expanding into other markets in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa.

Challenges and Considerations

While Dubai’s liberalization of ownership rules is a significant step forward, there are still some challenges and considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Sector-Specific Restrictions: Some sectors, such as banking and oil exploration, may still have ownership restrictions that require a local partner or joint venture.
  2. Legal Requirements: Setting up a business in Dubai involves adhering to legal requirements and regulations, which can be complex. It’s essential to work with local legal experts who are familiar with the intricacies of UAE business law.
  3. Costs: Operating a business in Dubai, whether in a free zone or on the mainland, can be expensive due to various licensing, visa, and administrative fees.
  4. Cultural Sensitivity: Understanding and respecting the local culture and business etiquette is crucial for building successful relationships in Dubai.
  5. Market Research: Conduct thorough market research to ensure that your business idea is well-suited to the Dubai market and that there is demand for your products or services.


Dubai’s efforts to liberalize ownership laws have opened up exciting opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors. While it’s now possible to own 100% of your business in Dubai in many cases, it’s essential to approach the process with a clear understanding of the regulations, legal requirements, and cultural nuances.

Working with experienced professionals Like Flyingcolour Business setup consultants in Dubai are familiar with the Dubai business landscape and we can help you to navigate the complexities and ensure a smooth establishment of your business. With its strategic location, dynamic economy, and investor-friendly policies, Dubai continues to be a top choice for those looking to make their mark in the world of business. So, whether you’re a tech startup, a creative agency, or a manufacturing company, Dubai welcomes your entrepreneurial spirit with open arms.


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