How to Get a Tour Guide License in Dubai? | Flying Colour
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How to Get a Tour Guide License in Dubai?


Tour Guide License in Dubai

When it comes to the best place with attractive tourist attractions in this world, Dubai is one of the top places that comes to everyone’s mind. Dubai, a city for its towering skyscrapers, luxurious shopping malls, and beautiful desert vistas, has attracted people’s hearts worldwide. Millions of visitors flock to this metropolis every year, eager to immerse themselves in its blend of modern marvels and cultural heritage.

Dubai’s popularity attracts tourists from all over the world. As a result, the demand for the tourist guide is immensely rising in Dubai. It indicates that becoming a tourist guide is truly a profitable profession in Dubai. However, no one can begin their journey as a tourist guide without a tour guide license.

It is a little complicated to obtain a tour guide license in Dubai because you must follow several steps for this license. If you want to learn “How do you get a tour guide license in Dubai,” you must read this article. This article will give you an in-depth guide to obtaining this license.


Get Your Tour Guide License in Dubai


Why Getting a Tour Guide License is Essential in Dubai?

There are countless reasons to apply for a tour guide license in Dubai. Apart from the huge demand, there are other significant reasons to obtain this license in Dubai. Let us take a look at the top reasons you can enjoy with a licensed tour guide in Dubai:

1.     Legal Compliance

Becoming a tour guide without a tour guide license is against the law in Dubai. Plus, if you try to pursue your career as a tour guide in Dubai, you may face penalties. The strict regulation by the Dubai Tourism Board focuses on ensuring that tourists get top-quality tourism services from well-trained and knowledgeable guides.

2.     Provide Access to Exclusive Opportunities

The tour guide license in Dubai can additionally help you to access exclusive opportunities in the tourism industry. Licensed tour guides have access to exclusive opportunities, like working with reputable tour companies, leading tours to restricted areas, and participating in special events.

3.     Financial Advantage

A licensed tour guide in Dubai often commands higher command because of their recognized credibility and expertise. In addition, they can enjoy other income streams, like selling souvenirs or giving private tours.


Job Opportunities for Licensed Tour Guides in Dubai

A licensed tour guide in UAE can perform numerous jobs in Dubai. The job opportunities for tour guides are mentioned below:

1.     Freelancer

Freelancing as a tourist guide can be ideal for those who need flexibility and autonomy. This path lets you control your schedule and select the tours you want to conduct, which could be particularly appealing if you have a specific area of interest or expertise.

2.     Work in Travel Agencies.

Travel Agencies in Dubai frequently hire licensed tour guides in Dubai to lead their tours. This employment method may provide a consistent flow of work and the chance to interact with people from diverse backgrounds. It also provides a structured nature where you may refine your skills and gain invaluable experience in the tourism sector.

3.     Job Availability

The flourishing tourism sector in Dubai has developed a high demand for licensed tour guides. As a licensed tour guide in Dubai, you can work in numerous environments, from iconic landmarks to opulent hotels, giving valuable insights and personalized tours.



Tour Guide License in Dubai


Steps to Get a Tour Guide License in Dubai


In order to get a tour guide license in Dubai, you must follow the right path. There are a few steps you need to follow to get this license. The following are the steps to get this license to start your tour guide career:

1.     Ensure you are eligible

There are a few eligibility requirements you should meet to apply for a tour guide license in Dubai. Here are the eligibility requirements to get this license:

  • Hold a valid Emirates ID
  • Completed high school or equivalent education
  • Be a minimum of 18 years old
  • Fluent in English and Arabic

It is crucial to meet these eligibility requirements to become a licensed tour guide in Dubai. Therefore, you must ensure that you are meeting all these requirements.

2.     Apply and submit all your documents

Once you meet all eligibility requirements, you may register yourself for the tour guide license in Dubai. For registration, you must submit a few documents to the relevant authority. Below is the list of documents you need to submit for this license:

  • Passport-sized photo
  • Police clearance certificate from Dubai Police
  • Emirates ID
  • English proficiency certificate
  • First aid certificate
  • No objection letter from a sponsor
  • High school completion certificate (12th grade or higher)

The submission of these documents with the application is a step, that will initiate the process of applying for a tour guide license in Dubai.

3.     Join the tour guide training program

After you have registered, you must enroll in the Dubai Tour Guide Programme, which is given by the Dubai College of Tourism. Once you have completed the training program, you must take an assessment test. The test covers Dubai’s tourism sector and your capability to effectively guide visitors.

4.     Get the license

After submitting the documents and passing the test, you will be eligible to obtain a tour guide license in DubaiThe Dubai Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) will issue the license to allow you to run your tour guide business in Dubai.


Renewing Your Tour Guide License in Dubai

After getting the tour guide license, it is necessary to keep the license up-to-date. It means you must renew the license after every two years. The following are the steps to renew your tour guide license:

  1. Eligibility Check: you should ensure your license hasn’t expired for more than two years.
  2. Application Submission: you must submit your renewal application to the Dubai Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) before a minimum of two weeks before your license expires. You may find the renewal application on the DTCM website.
  3. Timely Renewal: It’s necessary to renew your license before it expires to prevent penalties or disruptions in your tour-guiding career.


How Flyingcolour can help you obtain a tour guide license

Going through the whole process to obtain a tour guide license in Dubai might be complicated because of the UAE’s strict business laws. Flyingcolour has the potential to convert the complex process into a straightforward path. Our experts can help you at every step to obtain this license. Furthermore, we will help you to kick-start your tour guide business in Dubai.


To learn more about How to Get a Tour Guide License in Dubai, book a free consultation with one of the Flyingcolour team advisors, Simply call  +97144542366 or send WhatsApp messages to +971554413566. you can also drop an email to info(at)flyingcolour(dot)com.

*Please note that this article was published on 22/02/2024 by the federal policies and updates at the time of writing. For the latest info please talk to our consultant


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