How to Start a Facilities Management Company in Dubai? | FlyingColour
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How to Start a Facilities Management Company in Dubai?


Dubai is home to multinational companies and other entities with a phenomenal presence across the world. Dubai is the center for growth and development as all the leading organizations have their investments there focusing on developing the advanced project. This shows the benefit of starting a facilities management company in Dubai.

The business handling different projects and maintaining different systems and extraordinary workforces requires proper support from the facility management company. These companies tend to outsource from third parties rather than maintaining the in-house facilities. 

Facilities management is one of the rapidly growing sectors and is expected to touch over $40 million. The setting up of a facilities management company in Dubai requires following a few steps.

Steps for setting up a facilities management company in Dubai

  • Decide the Jurisdiction

Start the facilities management company in Dubai Mainland or Freezone. Both of these jurisdictions offer benefits and unique features that promote optimal growth. The Department of Economic Development issues the license in the Dubai Mainland. In free zones, the respective free zone authority approves the business and issues a trade license. 

  • Register the Business name 

This is one of the initial steps which is deciding the business name. The person must abide by all the regulations regarding the trading name. The name should not be politically, or religiously involved and also don’t contain any sort of abbreviations. 

  • Take the Initial Approval

The initial approval for the formation of the company has to be retained which also involves taking the processes and approval. FlyingColour Business Setup Services in Dubai handles all the paperwork and legal issues which are required to set up the Business. 

  • Choose the Business Activities

The business activities should be specified by the facility management company in Dubai. The operations should be specifically mentioned in the license application.

  • Apply for a Trade License

A trade or business license is required to run the facilities management company in Dubai Mainland issued by the Department of Economic Development. The freezone authority issues the license for the company in the Dubai free zones. 

The trading license would be issued in the shortest time possible if you have submitted the proper documents correctly. It is advisable to take assistance from the experts at FlyingColour Business Setup Services. 

  • Grading for Facilities Management Company

The grading of the facility management company in the UAE is mandatory. It is done by the Real Estate Regulatory Authority which indicates the specialization and expertise of the company. The highly graded companies can become part of the exclusive projects.

  • Corporate Bank Account

After retaining the business license you can easily apply for a corporate bank account.

FlyingColour Business Setup Services has years of experience in setting up the facilities management company in Dubai. Our team is specialized and familiar with the whole process such as required documents, legalities, fees, and more. We provide you with full support to set up the business in the UAE without any hassle.


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