Ten Positive Things About Living In Dubai | FlyingColour
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Ten Positive Things About Living In Dubai


For most ostracizes, living in Dubai is a very positive affair. Critics may say that Dubai is simply in regards to cash – and there’s more than a grain of truth in that – yet there are other positives too.
Here are 10 motivations to love living in Dubai:

Tax Free

There is no tax on income in Dubai or the other Emirates of the UAE. What you get every month isn’t diminished at source by ten, twenty, thirty of forty or more percent – whatever your country taxman takes as an end-result of good administration. Depending on to what extent you stay and where you hail from, you may need to make arrangement for a moment of retribution with the Inland Revenue Services of your nations of origin, in the long run. Additionally, you will be paid for 13 months of the year. That additional month is intended to give a saving opportunity. A few of us come back to nations unwilling or unfit to give benefits, so put something aside for that consequence.

Central Travel Hub

Dubai is extremely very deliberately put for the sharp traveler. You can go toward any path, east or west, to an incredible mosaic of areas that are somewhere in the range of three to nine hours away.The main destinations that are altogether further are the Americas, Australia, and New Zealand – so utilize long ends of the week to go to interesting spots like the Maldives or Bali. It is twofold.

Business Opportunities

For the business person, Dubai truly is the place. In the event that you have a thought, a market, and the get-up-and-go, Dubai is more liable to state “yes, do it!” than “perhaps,” “we’ll think about it,” or an out and out “no.” There is a growing populace and an interest for merchandise from home, products for the top of the line and low-end markets, and for something new. It is a business person’s fantasy. With the expansion of the free-zones, starting a business is getting simpler.

Substantial Housing

Whether you are buying or renting, I’m certain you’ll be content with the size and strength of housing accessible. Indeed, even a studio condo, the very cheapest space on the rental or proprietorship stepping stool, will astound you with its measurements and conveniences. This is particularly valid in the event that you have originated from a swarmed city where space is at a premium.


To the easygoing, short-term visitor, it must appear this is the thing that Dubai is about. There is rather a ton – no compelling reason to state more.
On the off chance that you can make your visit in the cooler months, you require not confine yourself to the malls, and can explore the more seasoned parts of the city like Satwa, Karama, Al Fahidi Street, Deira, and the territory behind Al Maktoum Street. Here, you will perceive what life used to resemble 15 years prior or more. It is interesting, and the nourishment outlets are worth trying in the event that you need to eat cheaply.


There’s dependably a deal on some place in Dubai, yet certain seasons of the year, the sales go far reaching. The run-up to Eid Al Fitr, in the last phases of Ramadan, is dependably a decent time to unchain your wallets and charge cards, similar to the Dubai Shopping Festival, Dubai Summer Surprises, the “Merry Season” (otherwise known as Christmas), and New Year.

Free Parking in the Malls

This is a decent one for the drivers, particularly during the mid year months. Parking is free, typically underground, and in the greater part of the Dubai Malls, you can have your auto washed for AED 25-30 while you’re in the shopping center shopping. A portion of the malls are presently making commotion about charging for parking. You need to take a ticket on section and set it back in the space when leaving, however there’s quite often a very liberal “free” recompense – as a rule 4 hours – before you begin being charged.
Everything relies upon the place. Inn valet parking is normally free, or at a very nominal charge, as AED 5. A portion of the greater malls like Dubai Mall charge varying sums – up to AED 50. At the point when the warmth is on and you have an auto brimming with children or visitors, it is a decent choice in light of the fact that even the secured auto parks get HOT.


No beating about the hedge – the year isolates into four main climatic time zones. Pleasant: December – February. Pleasant at in the first place, then getting step by step less-so: March to the finish of May. Appalling: June, July, and August. Still horrendous, however gradually getting back to decent: September to the finish of November. Little by little, as the climatic conditions enhance, you can go out for increasingly longer periods. What’s more, surprisingly, it can be very cool in the evenings in December and January, yet February is regularly the coolest month. In the cool months, when the sky is clear and very blue, it is an exquisite place to be.

Cultural Experiences and Diversity
Given that the neighborhood Emirati individuals involve scarcely 20% of the aggregate populace of Dubai, you truly will rub shoulders with an extraordinary melting pot of dialects, cuisine, and cultural practices.

This blog post is written by Mr. Senthil. Feel free to call our Business Adviser today for a quality consultation relating to your Business queries. Please send inquiry to info[at]flyingcolour[dot]com or call +971 4 4542366.


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